FAQ & Shipping

When will I get my order?

If you just received a shipment notification, please allow 48 hours for the tracking information to update.

We require 1 to 3 business days on average to fulfil your order before dispatch. This can sometimes be longer (up to 10 days) if you ordered a customized product (e.g. custom name necklace) and if our current workload is higher than usual.

Please note that estimated shipping times only begin once the order has been dispatched.

Rest assured, we are doing everything we can to get your order to you as soon as possible!

Once your order is dispatched, you will receive an email confirmation. Estimated delivery time is 2-5 weeks, though this can vary depending on your location. Please be aware that this is only an estimate and shipping can take longer depending on your location and the current demand on shipping companies. Please also consider any holidays that might impact delivery times.

Thank you for shopping with Rosoki!

Do you ship to my country? How long will take my order to arrive?

We ship worldwide! Delivery times may vary due to your location and the nature of your order. For example, products that require customization can take longer to ship. You can find all information about shipping and delivery here.

Do you have a money-back guarantee?

Yes we do! If you're not happy with your order, just let us know within 30 days of delivery and we'll make things right.

What is your jewellery made from?

We use a variety of different materials to create our jewellery pieces, so we recommend you check the details section on each individual product page.

Can I cancel my order?

We process orders quickly to ensure every package is shipped as soon as possible. Sometimes we'll begin processing your order in just minutes, and so we cannot always guarantee that we'll be able to cancel your order once it has been placed.

If I order more than one item, will it all arrive together?

This varies from order to order, though in most occasions, items will arrive separately.

Will I have to pay customs charges?

Every country is different, so we recommend you contact your local post office for more clarification on this matter.

How can I get in contact with you?

You can send us a message via our contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.